Arts and Crafts – made in St. Jodok

Lisa’s arts and crafts workshop actually came to be by chance, which helped her attain her dream profession. Her rustic style, with much attention to detail, enjoys enormous popularity among her customers.

Lisa is a seamstress and, prior to the birth of her two children, carried out this job as an employee. When a friendly carpenter asked her to take on the fabric decoration of an exhibition room at a trade fair in Innsbruck, she immediately agreed. Numerous requests followed from the carpenter, where such beautiful items could be acquired. Lisa was taken aback, but then made up her mind, without hesitation, to register a business and fulfil incoming customer’s requests from home.

Lisa Fischler, Schneidermeisterin aus St. Jodok
Lisa Fischler, seamstress from St. Jodok

Workshop in the basement
A basement room in her home was converted into a workshop. The contracts were growing increasingly. Production was expanded to old wooden framed pictures, decorative bags with pine shavings, herbal cushions, front door signs, embroidered proverb pictures and much more. An additional employee was hired and Lisa’s husband Harald supported the team of ladies.

Herzliche Geschenke in vielen Variationen
Beautiful wooden hearts with laces

Natural materials are important to Lisa
“I like it best when my customers bring an old piece of linen or fabric that they have found in the attic, and I then craft something from it in line with their wishes. We make sure that we use mainly natural materials. For materials, we use, predominantly, cotton, linen and loden cloth. Our picture frames and decorative articles are partially produced from old wood often originating from barns that have been left abandoned by farmers” tells Lisa.

Kunsthandwerk beim Operettenadvent
Lisa sells her craftwork at the “Operettenadvent” in Matrei

Visitors are also a welcome part of the clientele
Together with many regular customers from the regional surroundings, including numerous hotels, more Wipptal tourists are increasingly visiting Lisa’s arts and crafts workshop, for example the Schäfer family from Germany, longstanding visitors to the Navis Valley. Every year they allow a room at home to be designed by Lisa. At the beginning of their holiday, they drop off the measurements for curtains, table clothes and anything else and shortly before their journey home, collect the finished articles.

Lisas kunstvoll gefertigten Kissen und Dekoartikel beim Operettenadvent
Cushions, pictures or table linen as a present

Our tip for you:
Souvenirs in a rustic style and a small collection of cushions, pictures and table linen can be purchased from Lisa at any time. For custom-made products with embroidery motifs and bespoke work you do, however, have to allow for a waiting period. It is best to simply drop by, either to see Lisa personally at home at Kirchsteig 11 in St. Jodok, or have a look on her website. We welcome you to delightfully browse here

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